by Driffield Art Club | Jan 20, 2017 | Demonstration evenings, Driffield Art Club, Members' Information
Another interesting evening was enjoyed at the latest Meeting held on Monday 16th January in the Driffield Community Centre, Mill Street. A demonstration on water based mixed media techniques was given by Rob Gobel, a retired dentist from Kilham, The demonstration...
by Driffield Art Club | Jan 9, 2017 | Demonstration evenings, Members' Information
Next Monday evening (16th January), local artist Rob Gobel will be coming to give a demonstration of techniques for landscapes using water based mixed media. Rob is mostly self taught, enjoying plein air painting to capture the light and atmosphere of the big open...
by Driffield Art Club | Jan 7, 2017 | Exhibitions, Exhibitions, Members' Information
This year Driffield Art Club is taking part in this exciting Festival of Art which includes an Open Exhibition on the theme of Culture, art demonstrations and workshops and activities for all the family! Many members have entered their work in the Open Exhibition and...
by Driffield Art Club | Jan 3, 2017 | Demonstration evenings, Uncategorized
Chair Mary Wells presents a cheque for £100 to Rose Horspool who accepted the donation on behalf of the Children’ University Charity, Hull University.
by Driffield Art Club | Jan 3, 2017 | Uncategorized
Our Christmas party on Dec 12th was very eventful – first of all we had a very interesting talk about David Hockney by Rose Horspool then enjoyed a buffet brought by the membership. A donation was made to the Children’s University Painting project by Dac...