Driffield Art Club Constitution
1 NAME The name of the Club shall be Driffield Art Club.
2 AIMS The aims of Driffield Art Club shall be:-
2.1 To encourage members’ interest in art in all forms.
2.2 To arrange demonstrations and workshops to stimulate and encourage a wider and more informed appreciation of art among members.
2.3 To pursue activities for the benefit of the members.
3.1 Membership is open to all persons who by virtue of their interest in art wish to be involved in Driffield Art Club and its activities.
3.2 The committee is empowered to award as and when appropriate the distinction of honorary membership. This is to be ratified at the Annual General Meeting.
3.3 The committee is empowered to consider applications for special membership, i.e. group, Club or institution affiliation.
3.4 Any member may in exceptional circumstances be removed from the membership of Driffield Art Club by resolution carried by not less than two thirds of the members present and voting at committee. Within twenty eight days the member concerned has the right to appeal to the Chair, who will ask three members to assist in reviewing the matter along with the member concerned and the member’s representative.
4.1 The affairs and members of Driffield Art Club shall be administered by a committee. The committee shall meet in formal session at least 3 times each year. The committee shall be quorate when one third or more members are present.
4.2 The committee shall consist of Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Social Secretary, Programme Secretary, Workshop Secretary, Publicity Officer and not fewer than four and not more than ten other members.
4.3 The committee is empowered to co-opt members as and when necessary.
4.4 The term of office for members of the committee shall be three years, but officers, if willing, are eligible for re-election at the Annual General Meeting.
4.5 The committee shall be empowered to establish such sub-committees as are deemed essential to the efficient running of Driffield Art Club’s affairs.
All decisions will be by simple majority, the Chair having a casting vote in split decisions.
6.1 The amount of the annual subscription shall be determined by the committee and reviewed annually.
6.2 The subscription fee shall be payable in advance for one year. Driffield Art Club year begins on 1 August annually.
6.3 Membership shall be deemed to have lapsed if the subscription remains unpaid one month after payment is due. Membership can begin at any time on payment of the full subscription.
Driffield Art Club shall charge an entry fee plus percentage of all sales made at exhibitions. The entry fee and percentage shall be determined by committee, and reviewed as necessary.
8.1 A banking account shall be kept in the name of Driffield Art Club into which all monies received shall be paid and from which payments shall be made by cheque signed by the Treasurer and an approved member of Driffield Art Club.
8.2 The financial year shall be deemed to run from 1st August to 31st July.
8.3 An audited financial statement for the preceding financial year shall be submitted to the Annual General Meeting.
8.4 The committee is empowered to pay all or part of any reasonable expenses incurred in the course of the efficient running of Driffield Art Club’s affairs.
9.1 An Annual General Meeting shall be held within nine months of the close of each financial year of Driffield Art Club at a time and place decided by the committee.
9.2 The Annual General Meeting shall:-
Receive the Chair’s report;
Receive the Treasurer’s report and audited accounts for the preceding financial year;
Elect such committee members as necessary;
Consider and vote upon any resolution duly submitted to the meeting;
Transact any other business deemed appropriate by the Chair of the meeting.
9.3 In the event of any sudden emergency or significant change an extraordinary general meeting can be held by written request to the Chair by any member supported by five others. It can be held not sooner than twenty one days and not later than two months from the date of the written request and must be attended by a quorum of ten percent of members.
10 Insurance
Driffield Art Club is insured through the SAA for Public liability Insurance:
‘This covers legal liability for accidental bodily injury to third parties and/or damage to third party property arising out of the Insured Activities’.
‘Limit of Indemnity – £5,000,000 any one occurrence’.
‘Insured activities are deemed to be participating in Driffield Art Club’s artistic activities anywhere within the United Kingdom and overseas for up to six months in any one period of insurance excluding the USA and Canada’.
‘There is no excess in respect of Third Party property damage claims’.
Driffield Art Club cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to artists’ work during exhibitions. It is recommended that Artists take out appropriate insurance to cover their work.
11 The membership shall agree to be bound by the constitution.
In the case of dissolution, all assets of Driffield Art Club to be sold and the proceeds divided between any creditors to be paid. If all creditors are paid then any remaining funds to be divided between members.
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