Driffield Art Club
Driffield Art Club, founded 1965
Driffield Art Club currently has members from Driffield and the surrounding area within the East Riding.
Driffield Art Club members meet monthly on the third Monday of every month (except August) at Westgarth Community Centre, Mill Street, Driffield.
The meetings consist of demonstrations on a wide variety of styles and media; lectures on artists and developments in art, and the club endeavours to hold one meeting during the year when a practising artist appraises Driffield Art Club members’ work.
Anyone interested in art, practising or not, is most welcome to come to a meeting as a visitor before joining Driffield Art Club.
Fees are currently £30 per year. Visitors pay £7 which is credited against the annual fee if you then join Driffield Art Club within one month.
Latest update…
Driffield Art Club
Programme 2024/2025
See the latest details about Monday meetings and Saturday workshops scheduled for the coming year in the Diary section of this website.
Our programme for 2024-2025 is available here
Upcoming Events
Latest updates…
Anthony Barrow Saturday workshop pictures
Fourteen Dac members enjoyed a fabulous Saturday workshop in acrylics with Anthony Barrow! We spent the morning trying our hand at a tranquil Lake District scene and the afternoon using a palette knife to create an exciting seascape. Huge thanks to Anthony and Lynne....
Annual Exhibition 2019 – Trophy Winners
The Driffield Art Club Annual Exhibition was held at the beginning of October at the 'The Exchange' by courtesy of Messrs. Dee, Atkinson & Harrison. This year our special guest artist/judge was the Yorkshire artist Heather Burton, who kindly gave up her time to...
Life Drawing Workshop – thank you
We would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to Becky and Richard for posing for our Life Drawing Workshop held in Nafferton Saturday 5 October. Excellent models and a very enjoyable day!