Dear Members

We have made our first sale through the “Artwork for Sale” Album on Facebook!

So don’t be put off by the negative comments about Facebook – just take advantage of the positive side and send details of your Artwork for me to add to the Album.

There are no fees to have your Artwork included and there will be no commission charged if you sell. I shall share the Album to local Stuff For Sale sites on Facebook and any other sites that I feel might be useful.

There is no time limit – once added to the Album your artwork can stay there permanently unless you ask for it to be removed.

If it is sold (whether sold via the DAC advert or elsewhere) then I shall put a “SOLD” sticker on it but leave it in the Album unless you ask for it to be removed.

There is no limit to how many pieces of Artwork you can have included – I will deal with them as and when I have time – if I’m inundated with entries you may have to wait a while before they are added!

If you would like to take part then please send me a scanned photo of your work by email to  and include the following information:

  1.  Your name
  2. The Title of your Artwork
  3. Medium
  4. Any description you would like included in the advert
  5. Is it framed and/or mounted?
  6. Measurements
  7. Price
  8. If you sell your Artwork are you prepared to post it or is it “For Collection Only”
  9. Contact details – any or all of the following – your Facebook page / your email address / your phone number.

I am quite happy to pass details on to any prospective purchaser but you need to be contactable to deal with them directly if they have any queries and to arrange for payment/shipping/collection.

Be aware when you ask for your Artwork to be included that the DAC Facebook page has admirers further afield than East Yorkshire – many are in America!  If you are not prepared to post your Artwork and want it to be sold “For Collection Only” this must be included in the advert.

There will be no facility for buying directly from the Facebook advertisement.

As this is a new venture your thoughts and ideas would be welcome – I’m sure there are things I’ve not thought of!


Looking forward to hearing back from you!

Best Wishes